Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Adventures with Dad

Catching up, yet again, from sets a couple months back - In April my dad and I went out on a 90 mile weekend bike quest. Dad isn't much of a biker - he got his bike for Christmas and had put about 10 miles on it before we set out on the trip, despite my nagging for him to get at least 50 miles clocked on his bike computer. Amazingly, though, we got 45 miles in the first day, though we had to walk the last few due to very sore legs. On our trail, the C&O Canal, we had to get that far to get my weary father to the closest clean bed.

Schoolhouse Kitchen
Our lunch spot on day 1. This is a school cafeteria that had been turned into the only restaurant in town.

Schoolhouse Kitchen

C&O Canal
Along the canal

Paw Paw Tunnel
Paw Paw Tunnel

My dad headed east

B&B Kitchen
The kitchen of the Bed and Breakfast where we stayed the first night

The second day we hit major storms and did a mere 15 miles.

Our Bed and Breakfast host
Our B&B host graciously offered to drive us around the small town and to an overlook

This critter followed us for about 10 miles from the B&B to the next town. Hopefully he got home fine. He seemed like he knew what he was doing.

Before it began to really pour

The face of determination

Pizza Place, Hancock, MD

Taking advantage of the post-storm lighting

Racists at a bar, Hancock, Maryland
Racists at a bar, Hancock, MD

Bar, Hancock, Maryland
Bar, Hancock, MD

Ducks on the trail

Train Remnants

He was a champ. The trip was a challenge for him, and I appreciate him taking the effort to do that trip with and for me.




I had the pleasure of photographing Steven and Jennifer's wedding a while back, but haven't had time to make a blog post about it. This was actually my first time shooting a wedding solo and I had a good time doing it and learned a lot. I'm looking forward to shooting more and thank S&J for giving me the chance!

Spurgeon Wedding

Spurgeon Wedding

Spurgeon Wedding

Steven and Jennifer's wedding

Steven and Jennifer's wedding

Mother of the Bride

Spurgeon Wedding

Spurgeon Wedding

Steven and Jennifer's Wedding



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ketchup, or "What have I done for you lately?"

Let's get this blog business back on track. Some exciting things have happened. I got a new camera, I shot my first wedding all by myself, I attended a cool workshop, I got some new lighting toys and a new lens, and I'm planning some good photo adventures.Here's some of my hot pix that I kept meaning to post on here but never got around to it over the past few months!

Ryan the woodworker


Christie, Muddy Boots Cafe


Michael and Lori Shoot

Oak Grove Pottery

Adonna and Justin the painting horse





Stephen and Jennifer
More to come of these two!


The Vallures

The Vallures

Jess of The Vallures

Leon posing as a truck

Whew. OK? now we can move on.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Water Treatment Building

My bud Craig Finley of Sofa Fountain Photography invited Christie and me to go exploring with him.

The building is an abandoned water treatment plant. There's a good amount of graffitti around, but it looks fairly fresh for the most part. Not too much traffic in there. Here's some pics.


Scale and tables

Water Treatment Building

Corrosive hydrofluosilicic acid

Water Treatment Building

Water Treatment Building

Water Treatment Building

Water Treatment Building

Water Treatment Building